What a world... What a world...

Let me start by saying I have no idea what this picture is all about. Yes, I did take the photo, and yes this gentleman did tell me the entire crazy train-ridin' hobo story involving said pants, the cardboard box he's standing in, his mohawk weilding girlfriend, (whom I also met) and all four of them trying desperately to get to San Jose... and still I have no earthly idea what he was talking about.
I would love to have stayed and gleaned some meaning from talking with him further, unfortunately I was fixated on the burrito I purchased only seconds before and steps away from his brotherhood of the travelling fart pants. In all fairness, he was a really really nice guy and was going to let me take his picture regardless of whether or not I had money to give me. I guess its about the message... not the messenger.
God Bless you Hollywood
It's worth mentioning, that the sign in question was parked in the window of the laundromat whilst purchasing the aforementioned burriotos. In trying to take a picture of the sign in the window, the man in the photo seemingly lept out of nowhere and was like "Wait! You have to get the box in!" and his girlfriend was like "The pants!" and comes running up. I like that part of the story.
Upon further reflection, I'd like to add how much I like how you used the word "wielding" to describe the mohawk--like she was going to attack you with it.
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