Backyard BBQ

I also take REQUESTS!!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Unicorn in C Major

Ya know... I don't really want to say too much about this video, because it so easily speaks for itself. Like the picture to the left, it asks as many questions as it answers. Let's proceed...

click to watch video

Good, now that you've seen it, let me ask you this... What is it about nerds and unicorns. I think they travel as a set, because they're always talking about each other. Whenever I'm with my nerdy friends they're like "Hey Brian, what's the unicorn doing today? Have you heard anything about the unicorn? Wanna call the unicorn" and the unicorns are always like "Hey dude, what's the deal with those nerds? Should we call the nerds? Is that nerd looking at me?" Sheesh.


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