A Virtual Waste of Money

Remember virtual reality - the wave of the future? Jeff Fahey and Pierce Brosnan out-nerding each other in what can arguably be called the worst Stephen King film adaption ever (I know that's saying something) - The Lawnmower Man. Somewhat ground breaking for it's time, VR is much more interesting as a concept than a reality... but don't tell that to these guys
It's hard to decide which to laugh at first... The force feedback Interactor Vest?... Or the 6VOF Delta whch comes with a description as follows:
Built with the same meticulous care as its 3-DOF counterpart, the 6-DOF DELTA haptic device is designed as a complete solution for the most demanding haptic applications. With its unique mechanical design, the DELTA-6-DOF is Force Dimension's most flexible and versatile haptic device.
Do you have a device that can tell me what the hell the 6VOF Delta acutally does?
Please note the picture above... I can't even imagine why someone would pay $345,000.000 for an obnoxios looking sphere with which you can only look at nature slides. And who makes software for a $345,000 obnoxious looking HD video sphere. I'm gonna stick to my $10 VR goggles, they're definately geeky enough for me.
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