My Screenwriting Career: Day 3

Still looking for an agent. Today, I'm doing a lot of research. Research on yoga, research on future propulsion systems. Related stuff. I find that the beauty of film is that it can be anything that you want it to be... literally anything. If you want a goat eating ice cream off the ass of William Shakespeare while painting Van Gogh's Starry Night, it can exist in the medium of film. I think film is sort of the majestic meeting place of all the other arts. Let me explain. Film is basically the meeting point of three other forms of art. Literature (in other words, a story), Music, and Photography (well moving photography). You can read a book and your imagination takes over. Your brain is forced to create a little world that you can't even really see, except in your subconscious. The words tell you what is there, and you perceive it in a very personal way, creating your own interpretation. Music, on the other hand is very literal. What you hear is what has been specifically put there. There are horns, you hear horns. There are drums, you hear drums. There isn't a whole lot (if any) personal interpretation about what a song consists of, until you get to the lyrics, but I feel that falls into the literature category because it's not music, it's words. Photography is also very literal, but the meaning and the emotion it draws is extremely personal. Two people can look at a photo of a man on a horse and see two very different things depending on their own interpretation of what the man and horse are supposed to signify. Film, to me, is the pyramidial point at which all of these things meet. When it's done right, it's something to behold. Something to tell others about. It's something that makes you feel an emotional reaction that, again in my opinion, none of the other art forms can quite reach.
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