My Screenwriting Career: Day 2
Day 2: I Quit!
Just kidding. I don't quit. I just get told eventually that it's not worth my time, and apparently at that point my time begins to be worth more, which is great! I was never good at math so maybe that's why I'm so stubborn. In any event, writing is tough. If you've ever tried to write something meaningful, then you know what I'm talking about. A poem, a story, a Birthday Card for someone you only sort of know. Words can be fluid and beautiful and when they come together properly, it's like magic. It's like finding a twenty dollar bill on the street. At all other times, writing is frustrating to say the least.
Writing something with a particular set of structures, like a screenplay, is doubly tough. Not only do you now have to write something mesmerizing and gripping, you also have to know, with a high amount of exactness, the proper format in which to write your opus. I see on the writing boards all the time, writers whose grasp of the english language is comparable to that of a soft shelled crab, who seem to be living under the delusion that they are the next Robert Towne, or Charlie Kaufman. I myself suffer from this malady from time to time... A writer really needs to do two things to be successful, and neither of them is "make money". In my opinion, a writer needs to 1. Write well 2. Write often. That's it. You do those two things, and you can be proud of yourself.

Here's a list of the 100 greatest screenwriters of all time. Well in one guy's opinion anyway, but I agree. I think he got em all:
So, Day 2. On the hunt once again for a screenwriting agent, and putting out another of my works for review on the boards. If anyone would like to read MAN-X, feel free to email me or just imagine how good it is... or isn't.. Hagga Dagga.
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