My Screenwriting Career: Day 1
Well, technically it's more like Day 78, but I'm officially blogging about it from now on, so that would make today Day 1, right? Right.
Okay, so I started writing a screenplay back in May when I got fired from a really crummy job. I decided then that I would pursue my lifelong passion of making a film. I soon realized that to make a film you need at least two things: 1. camera 2. money. Since I had neither, I thought maybe I could take my talent to the page instead. So, to make a long and boring story, slightly shorter and possibly just as boring, I started writing my first screenplay titled I AM BECOME DEATH. The title is from an Oppenheimer mis-quote that I happen to like about the end of the world. I think he got it from the Baghavad Gita. I'm sure I spelled that wrong. Anyway, I wrote the script and have been passing it around to any friend or flake that says they'll read it. Thus far, I've gotten positive reviews from several people who have absolutely nothing to do with the industry, and here we are.
Day 1. Trying to sell it.
Trying to get anyone to even read a screenplay is like asking if you can move in with them for a couple weeks. They say, "of course" "no problem", and then when you have all your stuff in the car, they don't return your phone calls for a year and won't answer the door no matter how many jelly donuts you throw at their windows.
I've just scooted over to the very helpful and uber friendly screenwriting forum called Screenwriting Goldmine

and the guys and dolls over there have been the bear's tits at helping me navigate the world of what to do with a finished screenplay. I highly recommend at least checking out the wealth of info on that site, even if you don't want to post anything.
I'm also looking at which seems like a pretty legit site to get your screenplay at least looked at, if not outright sold. Hopefully something will come from that as well. I'll keep you posted.
Ciao for now.
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